Saturday, May 19, 2007

23.07 Share Drives (or, the G: Drive)

The share drives for the branches, and for specific projects, are easily accessible from any computer logged into Novell. Again, click the “My Computer” icon on the desktop. Under the Network Drives heading, this time, look for a folder called Lcg on Colmain 2. Double-click to open and look for LIBADMIN. Double click again and look for LIBRARIES SHARED. Then double click again. (I know – lotta double clicks. Making a desktop shortcut is # 23.09). You should now be looking at the main folder for all the library’s share drives.

The nice thing about share drives is multiple people can work on documents together, and you can share out a finished product without having to use email attachments, which clog up the strained GroupWise servers. Not that there’s anything wrong with attachments. The share drive space for your branch, like your Personal Novell Space, is backed up by DIT. As with your Personal Novell Space, you can save files there, or drag and drop files there – as well as accessing the documents others are sharing with you.

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