Monday, January 29, 2007

number nine. number nine

Feedster and topix are fine, despite their slapdash interfaces... but most users probably don't so much need more feeds as more time to follow the feeds already identified. syndic8 has a very "dorm room basement" feel but it's still pretty interesting. As for technorati...

technorati has a featured link on many Washington Post stories labeled "see what the bloggers are saying about this article". Previous experience following those technorati links suggests that while my committment to freedom of speech is unlimited, I don't really need to process all speech myself. Blogs can be a social networking tool -- witness the blog features of myspace, etc., but technorati's links from the Post suggest that blogs can also be an antisocial dispersal tool, too -- providing the means for people to talk without listening, split into brittle self-reinforcing camps of opinion, and just generally be mean. A walk thru featured sites on technorati's own website does not change this impression...

I donno, I know a lot of people with a lot of different views. I do not generally seek out the company of people based on their ability to make others cry, to seem like fools, nor to act superior. Usually, it's more the ability to make people, me 'specially, laugh. Whether it's religion, politics, or the Rosie/Trump feud, it's hard to find humor in the blogosphere. I wish there was more.


Marcie said...

I agree about the Internet world making it almost too easy to just say whatever you want and suffer no consequences for any libel or slander or just general hurt feelings. And while plenty of people post under their own names, the anonymity of the web can make it worse. See my own post on Thing 9.

Steven said...

it needs to be Pantagruelized