Saturday, April 7, 2007

Google Docs & Zoho Writer

Well, if these catch on, there will be no more computers just for typing (application workstations). And GoogleDocs and Zoho are better than, say, Microsoft Works. Microsoft Works is my nemesis! More users save files in works format and then cannot open them on our computers than read James Patterson! I think the best plus to network productivity tools like these is that one can always open the resulting files.

Always, except when the Internet is down. Or the power is out. Or the company goes away.

I'll be hangin' on to a pencil or two, I think


jokesmithee said...

your Sphere is neither Appalachian or Informative.
This joke would have been better had I been able to spell "Appalachian" without copying yours.

Karim Khan said...

jokes such as yours are more revealing of the smithee than the smither, methinks